For years Silicon Valley looked to Apple.
Apple was the leader of the industry. The visionary. The one who brought personal computing to us all. There was a genuine excitement in the air. Every time Steve got up on that stage, it was like Christmas. A magical feeling. But today that feeling is gone. The light in the back of the Mac is also gone. A metaphor for what happened to the company.
While Apple lumbers on via intertia, a growing number of disillusioned users continue to carry the torch that Steve Jobs lit so many years ago.
In today’s post, we will dive deep into many of the issues with Apple’s iOS, what it takes to migrate from iOS to a little-known alternative called GrapheneOS, and why you might want to do so. Continue reading →
We’re back!
This year’s status letter covers all news-worthy updates since our previous letter.
Inside This Year’s Letter:
Continue reading → As usual, this year’s status letter covers all news-worthy updates since our previous letter.
Inside This Year’s Letter:
Continue reading → From the Better Late Than Never dept. comes our third yearly status letter. It covers all news-worthy updates since our previous letter.
Inside This Year’s Letter:
Continue reading → This is our second yearly status letter. It covers all news-worthy updates since our previous letter.
Inside This Year’s Letter:
Continue reading → Previously, we reviewed Google’s Certificate Transparency efforts, and observed that while it does not prevent MITM attacks, it might detect at least some of them. We compared it to blockchains, and described what a Decentralized Public-key Infrastructure (DPKI), which uses blockchains, might look like.
Today we compare these approaches with two new systems: Key Transparency and CONIKS. Continue reading →
Listen up, super-villains and laboratory mice!
Outlined in this post is a masterplan for how to “take over the world!” — by compromising Zcash.1 Continue reading →
Also see our followup: How To Compromise Zcash And Take Over The World
As part of our work, we will sometimes put a new system under scrutiny in order to provide constructive feedback, and/or clear up a widespread misunderstanding that could lead to problems down the road (for example, see our series on Certificate Transparency). Continue reading →
Thanks to insightful feedback from John Light, I realized it would be good to do a regular Turtle Status Letter in order to keep our followers and supporters abreast of our activities and decision-making process. We now plan to do one every year.
Inside This Year’s Letter:
Continue reading → Some turtles got together this weekend to hack on a thon—err, for a Group Income hackathon! Continue reading →