Turtles Status Letter #5 — Years In Review

We’re back! This year’s status letter covers all news-worthy updates since our previous letter. Inside This Year’s Letter: Missing Updates Group Income Beta Testing! development Group Income at BIG (Chicago) education Shelter Protocol Building Shelter research development DWebCamp 2023 (Camp Navarro) education Miscellaneous Decentralization Related Noteworthy Decentralization Tech research education How to tell if something is decentralized education Organizational New […]

Turtles Status Letter #4 — Year In Review

As usual, this year’s status letter covers all news-worthy updates since our previous letter. Inside This Year’s Letter: Group Income 2018 Hawaii Hackathon development Group Income team continues to grow development Group Income Presentation at BlockCon 2018 (Los Angeles) education Miscellaneous Decentralization Related Rebooting Web-of-Trust (Toronto) research education Scaling Bitcoin (Tokyo) research Internet Identity Workshop […]

Turtles Status Letter #3 — Year In Review

From the Better Late Than Never dept. comes our third yearly status letter. It covers all news-worthy updates since our previous letter. Inside This Year’s Letter: Blog Silence Group Income July 2017 hackathon development Anikó Fejes and Sandrina Pereira join Group Income! development BlockCon Basic Income Q&A With Scott Santens (Los Angeles) […]

Turtle Status Letter #2 — Group Income + DPKI + More!

This is our second yearly status letter. It covers all news-worthy updates since our previous letter. Inside This Year’s Letter: Group Income Voting systems research research education Victor Morrow Joins Group Income! development Group Income Shorts! education San Francisco Basic Income Create-A-Thon education development New York Meetup! education DPKI: Decentralized Public-key Infrastructure ID2020 - Rebooting […]

Of Turtles And Group Income Hackathons

Some turtles got together this weekend to hack on a thon—err, for a Group Income hackathon! We're doing a hackathon this weekend (23-24th) on @Group_Income. If you want to work with us remotely, let us know!https://t.co/B22QjPW2pG— Group Income (@groupincome@crib.social) (@Group_Income) January 23, 2016 Group Income: A Currency-less Form […]